Dick & Bubblegum
Hard dick and bubblegum is when a man wants to have a sexual relationship with you without investing into you financially or emotionally. Be weary of men who are leary of supporting you financially or emotionally. You are an investment. Men these days feel like they are owed sexual relations for doing things theyre supposed to do such as making sure the lady he is entertaining is taken care of. They also think they are owed sex for taking you out on dates. Lets also be clear. You are not a prostitute. I can always tell the difference between a man who is dating me to have sex with me and think a little shrimp alfredo is all it takes to lay me, and a man who is investing in growing into a future with me. Mermaids, know your worth then add tax and shipping and handling. these men wouldn't be so pressed about a woman getting into their pockets of theyre intentions werent honorable to begin with. If hes acting apprehensive about the standard at which you've demanded to be treated financially he probably never intended to be beneficial in another arena besides sexually in the first place and you and I both know how unacceptable that is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a man that can provide you with resources. If hes asking you to do things like pay for half the date or rent ask him if hes going to provide half the pussy in a relationship too. I also think its important to provide yourself with the lifestyle you so desire If youre accustomed to Chanel bags and going through customs there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a man that can fly you over the world and sponsor your Dior urges. Never settle. You don't have to be the down ass bitch. You don't have to be the girl next door when in reality youre that fine bitch up the street and around the corner. Don't let these men swindle you. Getting into your pants should be like going through an intense admissions process for an Ivy League University. You are a Goddess and royalty and the man you are entertaining should consider it a blessing to be in your presence, and if spending money is the love language he has to master to bask in the radiance that is your anbiance then so be it. A man offering dick and bubblegum is one of the biggest red flags out there because he isn't concerned with your happiness but only getting what he can get from you physically which we all know is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Know your worth. Honor your standards. Be unapologetic in the demands you make on your self esteem and don't ever ever settle for hard dick and bubblegum. Its not about being a gold digger. Its about the principles for which it takes yo be in your life, and that life is a very charmed one indeed.
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