
Its 2019 and Im calling all my mermaids and bad bitches " Moneybaggs"! A " Moneybagg"is a woman on a journey of living her best life spiritually,mentally,physically, and financially. She is focused on making decisions that are ultimately for her highest good only, and she is walking in her goddesshood at maximum capacity. Everything we want for ourselves is an internal job. Once i made the decision to pour all the love I was giving other people onto myself and become my primary source of nourishment my life changed. I attracted better jobs,friendships, and the caliber of men that became available to me improved exponentially. The truth of the matter is the world is not a nice place, and there are very good people in it. There will always be a situation or person, from lovers to family to jobs to friends, that will manifest to challenge your faith in yourself. You have to know that you are beautiful,inspirational, amazing, and one of a kind. You have to know that anyone blessed with the chance to become apart of your life must be special. You have to know that there is no one on this Earth capable of existing in the magnanimous way you exist. You have to know because the world wears and the world tears despite of all positive affairs. It is when we become whole in self that we are able to conquer the world and its vicissitudes. Place a bet on yourself,your dreams, and the vision you have in your mind of what happiness looks like for you, and become relentless in that vision regardless of who or what else may be going on. This post is for the mermaid thats doubting if shes as wonderful as she thinks she is because her love interest wont text her. This post is for the mermaid breaking generational curses of toxicity in her life because her relationships with her family are trash. This post is for the mermaid working 9 to5 jobs she hates until she gets a breakthrough with her passions. This post is for all the hearts that shatter and have been shattered and now you have to put the pieces of your soul back together. You are needed. You are important. You are worthy of the life you desire. Fuck it sis. Youre a whole ass Moneybagg!!!


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