Pussy, Power, and Pesos- Moneybaggs Part 2

" Money is energy. Sensuality is the ability to feel and seduce all that is energy. Sensuality stimulates you to new heights in manifesting money."

" If you believe that you must work hard in order to deserve the money that comes to you then money cannot come to you unless you do hard work. Financial success, or an other kind of success, does not require hard work. It does require alignment of thought. You simply cannot offer negative thought about things that you desire and then make up for it with action or hard work. When you learn to direct your own thoughts you will discover the true leverage of Energy alignment. " - Esther Abraham Hicks

" If all you focus on is money you will have a hard time getting any. Focusing on the money only is like focusing on the apple, but forgetting the seed. The seed of true abundance is not money, but doing what you love. Love is the strongest energy in the Universe and if you step away from the life you that you know and begin to step towards a life of doing what you love, you will be planting very powerful seeds. After enough time and care the seeds you plant will begin to blossom and bare amazing fruit . Money and many other forms of abumdance will literally chase you. Focus on what makes you happy, take risks in that direction and dont let anyone tell you it isnt possible. Look to those who inspire you and ask yourself what would they do? These folk know about true abundance, take note. " - Jason Kiddard


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