Sugar Daddy

As you know the topic Ive been covering in the last few post were about the Divine Feminine. The aspect of DF I want to delve into tonight is rceptivity. Femininity is less about doing and more about being. It is the energy of receptivity and allowing things to happen to and for you. In a world that is constantly encouraging you to be in the pursuit of something, even as women, it can be a difficult energy to get in the flow of. In Taoism it's a way of life called " Wui Wei" which means "doing nothing". I interpret it as " all good things can come without resistance". Let it be easy. What is destined for you to receive in romance, career,friendships, and family will be aligned to you and happen effortlessly. Place the intention and go.Struggle life is a Western concept. Feeling like you have to work hard in order to enjoy the pleasures of life or give something in order to receive something that benefits you in return is slave mentality. Break that generational thought and replace it with ones affirming your worthiness. As a woman you deserve to receive simply because of your existence. Allow men and life to give to you and reaffirm what it means to be in the flow with the abundance that is the Divine Feminine. The opposite is overfunctioning. Overfunctioning looks like chasing, trying to prove why youre a good partner, suggesting commitment before he does, initiating contact and making plans more than he does, etc, etc. You overfunction because youre not used to receiving. Receptivity, while not a foreign concept to me. didnt come without the admission of guilt. I felt guilty when I wasnt extending all my energy to a goal or dream. I felt guilty when men were my primary source of taking care of myself. With turning 30 came the realization, that this in fact, the way things should be. I dont have to be burnt out from exhaustion to experience pleasure. Men should be able to take care of me without my receiving personal backlash as its the men who should be able to provide in the first place. Take for example, Beyonce. She is a multimillionaire public figure, but you can see her in pictures on expensive dates and vacations and its her mans income that makes her a billionaire. I allow the Divine Feminine energy of receptivity in my life while still feeling whole and complete. How can you receive more in your life?


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