True Colors
" Who are you when you dont have work to do? When you dont have somewhere to be? When you arent planning the next thing ? The next project, the next place to be, the next piece of content, the next love interest? Who are we when we are just...being? " - Joel Leon
Awhile age one of my post on the divine feminine mentioned how I began experiencing immense success in love when I began to define myself outside of my resume and career. If a man wants to be with you, you wont have to do anything short of just existing to know that truth. Unfortunately most people dont know who they are if theyre not in the midst of some great ambition, goal, or plan. I had an enormous amount of compassion for the collective when the pandemic first began because all the government did was ask us to stay home, and people were loosing their minds! It became very clear to me that most entities dont have an identity outside of their professions. As another single woman on her journey of love I want other single mermaids that desire a commitment or just enjoyable dating experiences to craft a different reality for themselves. You are so much more than what you do for livelihood. Your career is such a limited lens to see yourselves through. You are entitled to have a beautiful destiny outside of just getting a paycheck. Your whole life can be beautiful, but it is your responsibility to make it so. I encourage making a list of activities, hobbies, and endeavors that bring you joy for joy's sake. Then pour yourself into those recreations as much as possible regardless of how a man is treating you. Men want to experience loving you while youre loving yourself. Love is a shared energy. Girl energy is radiating love, warmth, peace, sensuality, fun, magnetism. and irresistability.( Rori Raye) You cultivate this type of energy in a relationship by going out into the world and discovering what makes you come alive inside, and doing it as much as possible. Once i began to do this for myself my whole life changed in every arena. i began to love myself more deeply than who I am professionally, and the love I began to experience from others deepened in response.
Get to work on that list, and refer to it as much as you need to create a new definition of yourself!
All my love mermaids! xoxo
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