Islamic Faiths of Love. Islamic Faiths of Beauty.

 " You see, Islam is the only religion that gives both husband and wife a true understanding of what true love is. The Western "love" concept you take it apart it really is lust. But love transcends just the physical. Love is disposition, behavior, attitude, thoughts, likes and dislikes- these things make a beautiful woman a beautiful wife. This is the beauty that never fades. You find in your Western civilization that when a man's wife's physical beauty fails she loses her attraction. But Islam teaches us to look into the woman, and teaches her to look into us. "

Ive been on a spiritual and healing journey of finding my true self for many years, and one of the components of my journey has been heeding my inner child. I attended an Islamic private school from Pre-K to third grade. It was some of the best five years of my life, and I had the time of my life. I lost a big part of myself once I left the school and it became about survival from that point forward. I engaged in some less than savory behavior in my relationships and did many things that Im not proud of. I had a puppy love romantic boyfriend during my tenure at the school, and for us to be between the ages of five and seven, we were pretty serious about each other and even his family thoguht we were adorable.  One of my friends bought me a gold ring, and said we were going to get married. Both of those relationships were extremly pubescent and of course not at all serious being that I was just a young girl, but it brought me immense clarity of the type of woman I want to be and how I want to be viewed. It taught me that I want to be seen as a wife, mother, and to strive for depth and commitment in my romantic relationships. It taught me to strive to be more than someone's good time girl, and that my worth is so much more than what I could offer sexually. I was surrounded by beautiful family, friends, and staff that adored me at my Islamic private school. I made good grades, had beautiful friendships, and was surrounded by young Islamic men that worshipped the ground I walked on. Islam has taught me the value of family, community, love, peace, beauty, and joy. The Islamic community are one of the few communities doing the work towards the liberation and upliftment of the Black man and woman. We, as a people, can learn so much from the Islamic community about how to honor and value the Black woman. I love my inner child, and she inspires me in the vision I have of myself in what Im trying to create. I want someone to view me as their significant other and give me a gold ring and tell me were going to married like I experienced in my youth. My inner child heals me and reminds me that I belong to love, peace, community and all the good things of life. When I remember that little girl running around in her scarf and uniform I remember that i have something to strive for.  They say that the first educational years of a child's life forms a major part of their ego. Attending an Islamic private school gave me the ego of a Queen. I was treated like a Goddess, and people who confirmed that i was special and that I mattered in the world, and I try to honor that little girl as much as possible. How can you honor and heal your inner child in your healing journey? That little person inside of you can teach you so much. Show them some love today.


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