Inner Child Smiles

 Lately Ive been healing my adult self through my innerchild and I had a recent download of how my inner child is clarifying who I want to be in my adult life .Somebody on twitter said that your thirties are just healing trauma from your twenties and becoming who you were as a kid. When i attended an Islamic private school i was in a pubescent relationship and a friend of mine gave me a golden ring and said we were going to get married. Between the years 2000 and 2004 i was between the ages of 10 and 14 and was in an on and off relationship with a Libra that was two years older than me and attended my church. it took me a long time to see the positive side of this relationship as i experienced unimaginable betrayals while being caught in the Euphoria of his love. I liked that we attended the same church and could worship and pray togther. I became a more spiritual person while i was with him and began to develop as a person spirtually. i liked that his family knew how much i meant to him, and that I was heavily involved in his personal life. his sister became my God sister, and i would go with his mother to peform in different plays around the city. i also became a more artistic person while being involved in his love. I was in the musical theatre program at school and the dance company at my dance school, and being in love made me want to become the most inspired artist I could become. When I was a junior in high school I was in a relationship with a gemini and i became conscious of how much i enjoyed being in a relationship. i also lost  my virginity to a Pisces on New Years 07, and it is these types of memories i want to recreate in my love life. In 2010 a male friend of mine who is also a Libra wrote me a love letter comparing me to the Goddesses Venus and Aphrodite who are the European manifestations of oshun. it was that love letter that inspired the name of this blog. My inner child and  my young adult self help me heal and see who i am clearly without the mask. i am the girl striving for commitment, depth, stability, and longevity. i want someone to give me a gold ring and say were going to get married. i want my lover to inspire me to be spiritually sound and an amazing creative. i want my lover to make love to me on new years and write me love letters while viewing me as a goddess. i want to be someones significant other and to become a cherished part of someones life. my inner child and young adult self have been allowing me to see who i am truly, a woman whos worth is so much more than what she can do for a man sexually. a woman who knows her worth and demands to be treated as a gift and a Queen by anyone pursuing her romantically. i know If the future is anything like the past then I know I have so much to look forward to. How can your inner child and young adult self help you to see yourself more clearly and be the person youre meant to be?


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